Saturday, June 21, 2008


The heart is a muscle . It has always been used as a symbol of love, tenderness and goodness.
No wonder that Jesus defined his love, tenderness and goodness for all human beings to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque when He urged devotion to "His Sacred Heart".
" I promise that, through the infinite pity of MY Heart. I will grant the grace of repentance to all those who will receive Holy Communion on the first Friday of eavh month for nine consecutive months".
The month of Jun e is traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

12th Sunday of ordinary time: 22 June - Mt 10,26-33 Monday: 23 June 2008 - Matthew 7,1-5 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist: 24 June - Luke 1,57-66.80 Wednesday: 25 June 2008 - Matthew 7,15-20 Thursday: 26 June 2008 - Matthew 7,21-29 Friday: 27 June 2008 - Matthew 8,1-4 Saturday: 28 June 2008 - Matthew 8,5-17
Sts. Peter and Paul: 29 June 2008 - Mt 16,13-19 Monday: 30 June 2008 - Matthew 8,18-22Tuesday: 1 July 2008 - Matthew 8,23-27 Wednesday: 2 July 2008 - Matthew 8,28-34 Thursday: 3 July 2008 - John 20,24-29 Friday: 4 July 2008 - Matthew 9,9-13 Saturday: 5 July 2008 - Matthew 9,14-17
14th Sunday of ordinary time: 6 July - Mt 11,25-30 Monday: 7 July 2008 - Matthew 9,18-26 Tuesday: 8 July 2008 - Matthew 9,32-38 Wednesday: 9 July 2008 - Matthew 10,1-7 Thursday: 10 July 2008 - Matthew 10,7-15 Friday: 11 July 2008 - Matthew 19,27-29Saturday: 12 July 2008 - Matthew 10,24-33
15th Sunday of ordinary time: 13 July - Mt 13,1-23 Monday: 14 July 2008 - Matthew 10,34-11,1Tuesday: 15 July 2008 - Matthew 11,20-24 The Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel: 16 July - John 19,25-27 Thursday: 17 July 2008 - Matthew 11,28-30 Friday: 18 July 2008 - Matthew 12,1-8 Saturday: 19 July 2008 - Matthew 12,14-21
16th Sunday of ordinary time: 20 July - Mt 13,24-43 Monday: 21 July 2008 - Matthew 12,38-42 Tuesday: 22 July 2008 - John 20,1-2.11-18 Wednesday: 23 July 2008 - Matthew 13,1-9Thursday: 24 July 2008 - Matthew 13,10-17 Friday: 25 July 2008 - Matthew 20,20-28 Saturday: 26 July 2008 - Matthew 13,