Friday, July 31, 2009

The Fruits of the Vision of the Virgin

Saint Ignatius of Loyola spent nine months in convalescence from March 1522 to February 1523, in Manresa, close to the Benedictine monastery of Montserrat (Spain, diocese of Barcelona), due to a war wound.

Ignatius had a vision that he told in his autobiography. One night, he was awoken and he saw the Blessed Virgin with the Holy Child; during this vision, which lasted a good length of time, he received great spiritual consolation and the memory of his past life became very distasteful to him, especially the things concerning the flesh. He had the impression that all the images that had been imprinted in his heart before had been completely removed.

From that moment until August 1533, when he wrote these words, he never again gave even the smallest consent to the things of the flesh.
Without indicating the origin of this vision, he simply recorded the fruits, which in their sobriety, where never doubted.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola (d. 1556)

From the saint's autobiography, known as The Account of the Pilgrim Quoted in the Dictionary of Apparitions by Father Laurentin, Fayard Press 2007

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The following account was told by Father Sineux, during a spiritual retreat given on July 29, 196.

: A Protestant pastor from Scotland had a large number of Irish families in his parish and, consequently, some fervent Catholics. He was extremely annoyed by these people and, being fervent himself in his religion, tried to fight against their beliefs in any way he could.

He went readily to children with his ideas. One day he came across a young Irish girl of about eight years of age on the roadside. He stopped her, spoke a few nice words to her and then asked her to recite a few prayers, promising to give her two pennies if she recited them well. At once, the girl recited the "Our Father" and the pastor congratulated her.

"Do you know any others? Can you say another one?" he asked her. The child began the "Hail Mary," but the pastor interrupted her. "That one is not a prayer, because you mustn't pray to a woman, you should only pray to the Good Lord." The small girl was a little embarrassed, but she continued and recited the Creed and the pastor encouraged her this time.

However, when she arrived to the words "was born of the Virgin Mary", the child sighed in annoyance and said, "There she is again! What am I to do?"

The pastor later acknowledged that he was stunned when he heard the words of the young Irish girl. He gave her two pennies, sent her home and returned to his own abode very upset. There she is again, that Virgin Mary, even in the Creed, which he had recited so many times without noticing the words he was pronouncing!

There she is in the center of our Christian faith! This marked the beginning of long reflections, which resulted in his own abjuration, shortly afterwards. He himself told this story many times, which was so decisive for his vocation, when he had later become a Catholic priest.

F.J.E. Marian Collection # 25, 1991

Sunday, July 19, 2009


The Mother of God Pours Out Her Mercy

O people, let us run to that quiet good haven, to the speedy helper, the warm salvation, to the Virgin's protection. Let us speed to prayer and hasten to repentance.

For the Mother of God pours out her mercy, anticipates needs, and averts disasters for her patient and God-fearing servants.

Orthodox Hymn

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Our Lady of Mt Carmel - July 16


The Apparition of Our Lady of Mount Carmel to Saint Simon Stock

The origin of the Carmelite Order is as old as it is glorious. It is believed, not without reason, that this Order is the continuation of the established school of the prophets of Mount Carmel, nine centuries before Christ, by the great prophet Elijah. The followers of this school were among the first converts to Christianity and the Carmel became the cradle of monastic life. After the dispersal of the Apostles, in the year 38, they built a chapel in honor of Mary and vowed to particularly sing her praises.

Later, France, along with other European countries, began the Crusades to wrest the Holy Land from the infidels. Since the Saracens intensified the persecution of religious orders in Palestine, the Carmelites migrated to France with Saint Louis, King of France. They established several houses and even travelled north as far as England. In 1241, the Earl of Kent gave the Carmelites a house on his property of Ayleshire. Simon Stock, an Englishman, was elected the head of the Order in England, and became Superior General of the Carmelites. He was ready to do anything in order to rekindle Marian devotion among the Carmelites.

By 1245, Stock was already deeply discouraged by the climate of antagonism with the other clergy, who even conspired against them in Rome and there was great danger that his order would perish. Stock spent the night of July 15, 1251, in prayer to the Virgin Mary seeking her assistance. She appeared to him holding the Infant Jesus, in the early morning of July 16, accompanied by a multitude of angels, surrounded by light and clothed in the habit of Carmel. She handed him the scapular of the Order, telling him: "Receive this scapular for your Order. It shall be a special sign of salvation. This is a privilege for you and all Carmelites. Those who die wearing this scapular shall be preserved from eternal fire."

Miracles occurred to confirm the truth of this apparition. This was the beginning of the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, for Christians not ready to embrace the Carmelite Rule, in order to bring them, too, the blessings promised by wearing the scapular. The most important privilege granted to the Brotherhood of Mount Carmel after the scapular was given to St Simon Stock, is the one that was revealed to Pope John XXII: the Sabbatine Privilege -- on Saturday, because Our Lady promises scapular-wearers, who have been faithful to the spirit and rules of the Brotherhood, prompt delivery from Purgatory, especially on the Saturday after their death. Besides these two privileges, there are also many other indulgences attached to the scapular.

Adapted from Fr. L. Jaud, Lives of Saints for Every Day of the Year, (Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, Tours, Mame, 1950)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


You Love and Watch Over Us

What Mother loves her children and takes care of them as much as you do, gentle Queen? You love and watch over us.

St Bonaventure, Doctor of the Church

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death. Amen.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

WHO CARES???????

The Virgin Mary Cares

By her maternal charity, Mary cares for the brethren of her Son who still wander through this world in the midst of dangers and difficulties until they are led to the happiness of their heavenly home.

Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium §61

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Flos Carmeli

Vitis Florigera

Splendor Coeli

Virgo Puerpera


Mater Mitis

Sed Viri Nescia

Carmelitis Esto Propitia

Stella Maris

The Month of O L of MT. CARMEL

If You Knew God's Gift!
Si scires donum Dei: "If you knew God's gift," Christ said one evening to the Samaritan woman. But what is this gift of God, if not God Himself? (...) There is a creature who knew this gift of God, a creature for whom not a parcel was lost, who was so pure, so radiant, that she seemed to be Light itself--Speculum justitiae--the Mirror of Justice. We can hardly say anything about Mary's life because it was so simple and so totally abandoned to God. She is the Virgo fidelis: the faithful Virgin, who "kept all these things in her heart." Before God, in the secret of the Temple, she stood so small, so calm and quiet, that the Blessed Trinity could only delight in her. "Because He looked upon his lowly servant, from this day all generations will call me blessed!" Bending down to this beautiful creature, so ignorant of her beauty, the Father willed that she would be, in Time, the Mother of the One for whom He is the Father in Eternity. Then the Spirit of love, who presides over all of God's operations, came; and the Virgin spoke her fiat: "I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word," and the greatest of all mysteries was accomplished. By the descent of the Word in her, Mary became God's prey forever.

Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity (carmelite)

July 2009
Wednesday: 1 July 2009 - Matthew 8,28-34 Thursday: 2 July 2009 - Matthew 9,1-8 Friday: 3 July 2009 - John 20,24-29 Saturday: 4 July 2009 - Matthew 9,14-17

14th Sunday of ordinary time: 5 July 2009 - Mark 6,1-6 Monday: 6 July 2009 - Matthew 9,18-26 Tuesday: 7 July 2009 - Matthew 9,32-38 Wednesday: 8 July 2009 - Matthew 10,1-7 Thursday: 9 July 2009 - Matthew 10,7-15 Friday: 10 July 2009 - Matthew 10,16-23Saturday: 11 July 2009 - Matthew 10,24-33

15th Sunday of ordinary time: 12 July - Mark 6,7-13 Monday: 13 July 2009 - Matthew 10,34 - 11,1Tuesday: 14 July 2009 - Matthew 11,20-24 Wednesday: 15 July 2009 - Matthew 11,25-27Thursday: The B.V. Mary of Mount Carmel: 16 July - John 19,25-27 Friday: 17 July 2009 - Matthew 12,1-8 Saturday: 18 July 2009 - Matthew 12,14-21

16th Sunday of ordinary time: 19 July - Mark 6,30-34 Monday: 20 July 2009 - Matthew 12,38-42 Tuesday: 21 July 2009 - Matthew 12,46-50 Wednesday: 22 July 2009 - John 20,1-2.11-18Thursday: 23 July 2009 - Matthew 13,10-17 Friday: 24 July 2009 - Matthew 13,18-23 Saturday: 25 July 2009 - Matthew 20,20-28

17th Sunday of ordinary time: 26 July - John 6,1-15 Monday: 27 July 2009 - Matthew 13,31-35 Tuesday: 28 July 2009 - Matthew 13,36-43Wednesday: 29 July 2009 - John 11,19-27 or Luke 10,38-42 Thursday: 30 July 2009 - Matthew 13,47-53 Friday: 31 July 2009 - Matthew 13,54-58