Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The New Liturgical Year


....a derivation from the latin meaning "coming" once again with us.

During this period predeeding the Solemn Celebration of the day of Jesus Christ, the Lord's birth, we are advised to prepare ourselves also so that we will not be found wanting in the Second Coming of the Son of Man.

We are therefore not only in expectation of the celebration of CHRISTmas, but even so and more for the Last Day.

On that day, Judgement day, we will be brought to account for our Love of God and Love of Neighbour!

"whatsoever and whatever you have done for these my have done for me".

Once agin I am referring to THE CARMELITE WEBSITE (webmaster: Fr nthony Cilia O Carm), in order to bring to each of us the possibility of meditating using the LECTIO DIVINA method.

This will definitely help us in the progress and prowess of our spirituality.

Suffice it to say that one needs only to click on the calendar hereunder in order to follow the daily meditation accordingly.

May the Good Lord keep us in His ways, and may the Blessed Mother keep us under her protection.

1st Sunday of Advent: 30 November 2008 - Mark 13,33-37 Monday: 1 December 2008 - Matthew 8,5-11Tuesday: 2 December 2008 - Luke 10,21-24Wednesday: 3 December 2008 - Matthew 15,29-37Thursday: 4 December 2008 - Matthew 7,21.24-27 Friday: 5 December 2008 - Matthew 9,27-31Saturday: 6 December 2008 - Matthew 9,35 - 10,1.5-8

2nd Sunday of Advent: 7 December 2008 - Mark 1,1-8 Immaculate Conception of the B.V.Mary: 8 December 2008 - Luke 1,26-38Tuesday: 9 December 2008 - Matthew 18,12-14 Wednesday: 10 December 2008 - Matthew 11,28-30 Thursday: 11 December 2008 - Matthew 11,11-15 Friday: 12 December 2008 - Matthew 11,16-19Saturday: 13 December 2008 - Matthew 17,10-13

3rd Sunday of Advent: 14 December 2008 - John 1,6-8.19-28 Monday: 15 December 2008 - Matthew 21,23-27Tuesday: 16 December 2008 - Matthew 21,28-32Wednesday: 17 December 2008 - Matthew 1,1-17Thursday: 18 December 2008 - Matthew 1,18-24Friday: 19 December 2008 - Luke 1,5-25 Saturday: 20 December 2008 - Luke 1,26-38

4th Sunday of Advent: 21 December 2008 - Luke 1,26-38 Monday: 22 December 2008 - Luke 1,46-56Tuesday: 23 December 2008 - Luke 1,57-66Wednesday: 24 December 2008 - Luke 1,67-79 The Birth of the Lord: 25 December 2008 - John 1,1-18 Friday: 26 December 2008 - Matthew 10,17-22Saturday: 27 December 2008 - John 20,2-8

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