The 10th of February is a special day on which we Maltese celebrate the Shipwreck of Saint Paul on our shores as narrated in the Acts of the Apostles.
It is a special day to commemorate not simply as to the shipwreck itself, but more so and more importantly because of the consequences.
During his three month's stay on the Island of Malta, Paul converted the inhabitants to Christianity.
No wonder, therefore that the Maltese speak of "Missierna San Pawl" (Our Father Saint Paul).
This is an opportunity to remind all believers of theYear dedicated to the Apostle of the Gentiles.
Penitence and Prayer for Lent
On the 11th of February, Bernardette Soubirous ewnjoyed the first vision of the "beautiful lady" who later identified herself as the "Immaculate Conception"
The principal double message transmitted by The Virgin Mary at Massabielle, Lourdes, consisted of a plea for penitence and prayer.
Most appropriatelt it seems, the plea for penitence came very near to the celebration of Lent, a definite period during which we prepare ourselves spiritually for the great mystery of the Resurrection of the Christ from the dead.
As to prayer, The Blessed Mother demandsed the recitation and meditation of the Rosary.
Say Your Rosary like a Small Child
Since you ask my advice, I recommend that you pray the rosary like a small child, because the power of God is there, the power of God between our fingers. We can obtain everything from Mary and her Son. If we ask them for our own salvation and that of all mankind, and for fulfilment in our lives, our prayers will be heard. Mary is our Mother and we love her above everything in the fullness of life of the Lord. May Mary enlighten and illuminate us.
Father Mary Joseph Le Guillou o.p. (1920 -1990)
Father Mary Joseph Le Guillou o.p. (1920 -1990)
1st Sunday of Lent: 1 March 2009 - Mark 1,12-15 Monday: 2 March 2009 - Matthew 25,31-46 Tuesday: 3 March 2009 - Matthew 6,7-15 Wednesday: 4 March 2009 - Luke 11,29-32 Thursday: 5 March 2009 – Matthew 7,7-12Friday: 6 March 2009 - Matthew 5,20-26 Saturday: 7 March 2009 - Matthew 5,43-48
2nd Sunday of Lent: 8 March 2009 - Mark 9,2-10 Monday: 9 March 2009 - Luke 6,36-38 Tuesday: 10 March 2009 - Matthew 23,1-12 Wednesday: 11 March 2009 - Matthew 20,17-28 Thursday: 12 March 2009 - Luke 16,19-31Friday: 13 March 2009 - Matthew 21,33-43.45-46Saturday: 14 March 2009 - Luke 15,1-3.11-32
3rd Sunday of Lent: 15 March 2009 - John 2,13-25 Monday: 16 March 2009 - Luke 4,24-30Tuesday: 17 March 2009 - Matthew 18,21-35 Wednesday: 18 March 2009 - Matthew 5,17-19Saint Joseph: 19 March 2009 - Matthew 1,16.18-21.24a Friday: 20 March 2009 - Mark 12,28b-34 Saturday: 21 March 2009 - Luke 18,9-14
4th Sunday of Lent: 22 March 2009 - John 3,14-21 Monday: 23 March 2009 - John 4,43-54 Tuesday: 24 March 2009 - John 5,1-16 The Annunciation of the Lord: 25 March 2009 - Luke 1,26-38 Thursday: 26 March 2009 - John 5,31-47 Friday: 27 March 2009 - John 7,1-2.10.25-30 Saturday: 28 March 2009 - John 7,40-53
5th Sunday of Lent: 29 March 2009 - John 12,20-33 Monday: 30 March 2009 - John 8,1-11 Tuesday: 31 March 2009 - John 8,21-30
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