If a very rich mother and father had a great quantity of children, and those children chose to die, and only one survived, that one would inherit everything. Similarly, Adam as well as his children died to grace through original sin. And Mary, the only one exempt of sin, remained the heir of the graces of innocence and of the favors destined to Adam's children. If they had remained in the state of innocence, what richness of gifts they would have received! What favors! God made her the depository of his graces.
The Gospel says that a father left his house early one morning to find hired hands to work in his vineyard. Weren't there people already in that vineyard? Yes, Mary was there; she was born in that vineyard. And what is the vineyard? It is grace. Yes, Mary was born in it, since she was conceived free of sin. As for us, we were called to it, the Father went looking for us; but Mary was always in it. Oh, such a beautiful worker! She is pure, unspoiled. The Good Lord could have created a more beautiful world than this one, but he could not have created a more perfect creature than Mary.
Saint John Mary Vianney
In: Mgr. R. Fourrey, The Virgin Mary and the Cure of Ars, 1989, Ars
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death. Amen.