Saturday, January 26, 2008


The three of them were having their say...! Sometimes, as could be expected over a few bottles of beer, they were rather boisterous,......and their arguments floated unconsciously from one subject to the other, just like a butterfly would from a flower to another.... Every subject was given its due importance or less according to the interest or whims of each man.

This subject interested all of them in one way or another. Pawlu was heatedly enlightening his companions as to how he was subjected to a certain degree of harassing by an insurance representative! He was all het up about the numerous payments or contributions due in subscribiung to a Life Insurance policy. Of course, it was a very good idea for his loved ones to receive bonuses after he was no longer there for them, but he was quick to conclude: "you see, friends, these insurance people are so charitable; they strip you bare in your lifetime to have you rich enough when you are dead!"

John winked at Harry. They could not hide a knowing smile at this sort of reasoning. Both of them were in possession of Life Insurance policies. It is right and fitting to believe and trust in Divine Providence no doubt, but God definetly wants each and one of us to do our part according to possibilities, no?

God Himself does invite us to invest in a LIFE INSURANCE! Not only it is a very special kind of insurance, but it is an insurance which entertains no kind of ambiguity; it is an insurance that finally always works out in your favour! And to think that it really enriches you enjoy its fruits after your death. As to payments or contributions, we have no limit and it all depends on ourselves! God just asked us to amass, for our own benefit, treasures that we can enjoy even after our passage on earth is terminated!

God does invite us and encourages us to ameliorate our condition in this life here, but at the same time we have to endevour to collect a treasure of merits the value of which is enjoyed in afterlife for the endless duration of eternity.

So let us not hesitate to be enrolled in this particular Life Insurance set up, managed and guaranteed by God Himself. Do not lose any time, join today! The quicker you start amqassing treasures for eternity, the better it is for you, my friend.

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